Legal Notice

of the Website of the Dr. Hans Riegel Foundation

1. Liability for Content, Hyperlinks

We are responsible for our own content of our pages in accordance with the general laws. The information on this website has been carefully compiled and we endeavor to review it on a regular basis. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee that it is accurate, up to date, complete, and continuously available. We only give out binding information, consultations, recommendations, and statements through individual communication.  We reserve the right to change, amend, reduce or completely discontinue our website content at any time. We cannot guarantee either that our website content will be suitable for the user and his or her purposes. Our website also contains links to third-party websites. We have no control over the content of these websites. We do not adopt these contents as our own in any way and we assume no liability for any such content. The respective provider of the linked pages is solely responsible for their content. We were unable to detect any illegal content on the linked pages. However, we cannot reasonably be expected to review the linked pages afterwards at all times without any specific indications of a breach of law. Please notify us immediately if our links take you to pages with content that appears questionable to you.  As soon as we become aware of any infringements by any content on the linked pages, we will remove such links immediately. This statement applies to all links included on our pages.

2. Technical Information

Errors can occur during the digitalization of data. There can be differences in the presentation of the content due to the use of different web browsers and individual software settings.


3. Viewing Region

Our website content is intended for the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany and has been created based on the German legal system. We do not intend for our website content to be viewed in regions outside of Germany. We assume no liability for our website content being suitable, usable, and legally permissible for users in other countries.

4. Copyright

The content, design, and structure of our website are copyright protected and we explicitly reserve all property rights. In particular, any reproduction, editing, distribution, and any type of utilization require our written consent if the action is not allowed without consent according to legal regulations. Downloads and copies of these pages or individual elements (images, quotations, and similar) are only allowed for private, non-commercial use, unless specified otherwise in an individual case. Hyperlinks, particularly deep links, inline links, or links in frame technology, may only be placed on our websites with our prior written consent.

Responsible for the content of this website:

The charitable Dr. Hans Riegel Foundation is a private foundation under civil law in terms of the Foundation Law for the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (Stiftungsgesetz für das Land Nordrhein-Westfalen, “StiftG NRW”), having been recognized as such since November 13, 1987.

The authorized representatives are the members of the foundation's Board of Directors:

Dr. Reinhard Schneider (sole authorization, section 12 (3) StiftG NRW)
Marco Alfter (sole authorization, section 12 (3) StiftG NRW)
Prof. Ingeborg Henzler (sole authorization, section 12 (3) StiftG NRW)

Competent supervisory authority:

District Government of Cologne, postal address: Bezirksregierung, 50606 Köln.
Reference number: 07/93, recognized since November 13, 1987
Tax number: [205/5762/1405]


Responsible for the website's editorial, journalistic content

Marco Alfter
Am Neutor 3
D-53113 Bonn


Picture credits

Campus2015_4.jpg / © Lydia Boendgen
Bilder Menüpunkt Personen und Science Slam 2015 / © Julien Prause – public vision MEDIEN
Bild "Bisherige Projekte": 001MMF_Simsa spiel (1) / © Herbert Piel – P!ELmedia
Bilder Science Truck: © IW Medien
© / Ryhor Bruyeu
© Philipp Lindenau, TU Dresden
© racorn /
© / franckreporter
© / djedzura
© / wildpixel
© / wundervisuals
© Yuliya Evstratenko /
© / Wavebreakmedia
© l i g h t p o e t /
© / Minerva Studio
© Coloures-pic /
© / shapecharge
© /
© Kenishirotie /
© fotogestoeber /
© ALDECAstudio –
© Supawadee56 / Lizenzfreie Stockfotonummer: 560830441 /


© Kindertagesstätte Dürerstraße
© Kita Schatzkiste, FLiWi gGmbh
© Kinderhaus Neustädtel
© Hellweg Kindertagesstätte e.V.
© Hofkita Boreasmühle gUG
© Familienzentrum Niehler Elternverein e.V.
© Kinderland Pfiffikus
© Kindertagesstätte Weltentdecker
© Kinderpark "Zukunft"
© SOS-Familienzentrum Farbkleckse
© Gemeindekindergarten Storchennest
© Kita Rasenzwerge
© Sprachkiste
© KitaEins
© Kita "Die wilde Füchse"
© Familienzentrum Zipfelmütze
© Integrative Kindertagesstätte Onkel Uhu
© Kindertagesstätte "Die Pfiffigen Kobolde"
© Kindergarten St. Felizitas
© Kindergarten Kneippzwerge


Webdesign, Webentwicklung mit TYPO3, Service & Support

Die Medialen GmbH
Colmantstraße 39
53115 Bonn
